Beating the TV Noise Problem at Your B&B

Buongiorno!  Marilyn and I are in Roma for a little time off and are staying at the Pensione Barrett in center city.  The room is a bit ornate with statuary and artwork, but the 400 year old inn offers the character and charm of Old Italy.

But one of its modern features includes a Flatscreen TV.  That in itself is nothing new to American B&B’s.  But they do not have the noise problem that I have witnessed in the B&B’s at home (and some hotels too).  I speak of the guy in the next room with his TV turned up too loud or thin walls making TV’s anywhere in the house annoying.

There are no sound controls, no governor on the volume, but rather a jack (actually two jacks…one on each side of the headboard) to allow laying in bed with headphones to listen.  No sound in the room whatsoever!  I am not crazy about using the earbuds they have here, a more comfortable set of earphones would be preferable, but what a good way for solving the sound problem some of our inns currently experience.

These Italians…always leading the way in good fashion!  Ciao!  Scott

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